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Postcards from Other Worlds

Postcards from Other Worlds

For millennia, planets were nothing more than tiny points of light moving across the sky to the human eye. But with the invention of the telescope, humanity began to observe Jupiter’s bands and Saturn’s rings, and gradually, the moons of these planets were discovered. Any attempt to imagine what the landscapes of these other worlds might look like, however, belonged—more or less accurately—to the realm of science fiction. Today, after sixty years of space exploration, all the planets in the solar system and many of their moons have been photographed. The fulldome projection Postcards from Other Worlds invites us to journey through our solar system, guided by the emissaries that have brought us so much information and beauty: the massive volcanoes of Mars, the frozen deserts of Europa and Enceladus, the equatorial ridge of Iapetus, the methane lakes of Titan, the mud geysers on Triton, the sulfur volcanoes of Io, and more.

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